Jul 8Liked by FoxyHeterodoxy (Debra C)

Many denied he ever said that and offered his actual words but no one was interested. After all, they had a narrative to perpetuate.

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Absolutely. Their commitment to espousing narrative talking points is one reason why their trust factor is in the toilet.

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Aug 13Liked by FoxyHeterodoxy (Debra C)

Yeah, floating in the toilet, like the rest of their crap.

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Could not have said it better.

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Jul 7Liked by FoxyHeterodoxy (Debra C)

Snopes is a reliable, unbiased fact checker


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Aug 5Liked by FoxyHeterodoxy (Debra C)

It was never about them believing what it was they heard.

It was all about was their TDS.

They would not allow themselves to believe anything else.

Even if that has proved what happens as they just shift to another one, "like grab them by a pussy" or all migrants coming in from the South are all rapists?

They're not interesting in truth.

All they want to do is hate Trump.

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It’s an obsession…

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by FoxyHeterodoxy (Debra C)

Those media companies could have informed us! But, they did not want to.

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Of course not. They have to stick with the "narrative" until they are told not to.

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Jul 12Liked by FoxyHeterodoxy (Debra C)


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Aug 13Liked by FoxyHeterodoxy (Debra C)

This is fantastic. Thank you for posting.

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Thank you! You are very welcome. : )

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Aug 9Liked by FoxyHeterodoxy (Debra C)

The credibility train left on Snopes a long time ago. Doesn’t matter that they came clean. They’re irrelevant.

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I agree. But I loved sharing it with people in my life who still believe whatever Snopes and other “fact-checking” sites utter. It has been glorious. 😉

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Aug 23Liked by FoxyHeterodoxy (Debra C)

It all depends upon whom is doing the checking.

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There’s that. 💯

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Aug 19Liked by FoxyHeterodoxy (Debra C)

Thank you for that fabulous chart of the news agencies!!! I have needed something like that for so long. I can’t thank you enough ❤️

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Wow! I’m so glad to help! I got it from Allsides.com. It gets slightly updated every once in a while so it’s always good to check it out two or three times a year. https://www.allsides.com/media-bias/media-bias-chart

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Aug 17Liked by FoxyHeterodoxy (Debra C)

Thank you for your enlightening work!

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My pleasure! I enjoy sharing this type of information, and hopefully people will share it far and wide. ❤️🙏🏾

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Aug 13Liked by FoxyHeterodoxy (Debra C)

Many of the hardcore Democrats need to believe lies. It is the drug that justifies their rage, their anger, their hate.

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I am finding that to be true more often than I used to, unfortunately.

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